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Welcome to
Sycamore Chapel
Northway, Tewkesbury
We meet in the Chapel every Sunday at 10.30am for worship and community. Everyone is welcome.
Children’s activities are provided.
Upcoming Events:
Prayer & Praise every Monday from 7.30-8.30pm in Church.
Youth Club (7-11 year olds) every Monday at 4-5.15pm during term time.
Coffee Morning – every first Tuesday of the month from 10.30am – 12 noon.
Little Seedlings Baby and Toddler Group every Friday at 9.15-11.30am during term time.
19th Jan 2025, 6.30pm Tewkesbury Churches Together United Service at Holy Trinity Tewkesbury: How can we play our part in caring for God’s world?
21st Jan 2025, 7pm Sycamore Chapel: We will be hosting this evening as part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity — a chance to worship together and pray around the theme of Christian Unity (Full schedule below). In light of this we will not be having our usual Monday evening prayer meeting but instead encourage everyone to come on Tuesday.
Tewkesbury Churches Together — Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18-25 Jan. 2025
Sun. 19/1/25 Trinity Tewkesbury, 6.30pm
Mon. 20/1/25 Priors Park CC, 7pm
Tues. 21/1/25 Sycamore Chapel, 7pm
Weds.22/1/25 Methodist Church, 10.30am
25th Jan 2025, 10am – Noon, Sycamore Chapel: In depth teaching by Keith Mason on Wisdom, discernment and guidance
1st Feb 2025, 10am – Noon, Sycamore Chapel: Safeguarding Training. This is essential for all those involved with children’s work and recommended for all church members to to help us look after people.
If you are concerned about the safety of anything or anyone connected with Sycamore Chapel please contact our safeguarding officer:
Lead: Elizabeth Browne 07971 504294 email.
All contact will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. For full safeguarding policy please scroll to the bottom and click ‘safeguarding’.

Sycamore Chapel is a lively and friendly independent evangelical church. We love to welcome everyone to our services and other activities. Please do come and give us a try!
Sycamore Chapel was founded in 1955 by a group of local Christians who were concerned to establish an evangelical witness in Northway where everyone would be welcomed. Their aim was to provide the opportunity for people to worship God in spirit and in truth; to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ; to encourage the spiritual growth of its members and to propagate the truths enshrined in its Trust Document. Sycamore Chapel is a registered charity.